Evènements Université 8 Mai 1945 Guelma تظاهرات جامعة 8 ماي 1945 قالمة: Recent submissions

  • الاسود, المنجي (université 8 mai 1945 guelma, 2015-10-28)
    إذا كانت المباحث الإبراخدلدة تهت م بالأشكال القصيرة للكتابة وفق تعريف منصور مهي نّ فإ ن جانبا من هذه الأشكال ق: كانت من اللبنات الأولى التي تأ س س علدهيا الخطاب المق :س في الحضارة العربدة والإسلامدة ونقص: بذلك الخط العربي ...
  • Ali-Benali, Zineb (université 8 mai 1945 guelma, 2015-10-28)
    Dans les contes maghrébins, des formules interviennent quelquefois, qui rompent l’enchainement des événements et la narration. Un personnage dit quelque chose que ses interlocuteurs et l’auditeur du conte ne comprennent ...
  • Maïzi, Moncef (université 8 mai 1945 guelma, 2015-10-28)
    Dire de manière laconique l’homme qui est en nous. Dire la passion, la raison et la déraison du genre humain. Tel était l’oeuvre immuable de Chamfort. Avant d’expliciter ma réflexion concernant les maximes et anecdotes ...
  • GOSSOUHON, SEKONGO (université 8 mai 1945 guelma, 2015-10-28)
    L’antinomie permanente entre les besoins communicatifs de l’homme et sa propension à réduire au maximum son activité mentale et physique donnent lieu à deux modalités de composition : un prétendu simple auquel s’oppose un ...
  • Ou Yahia, KHERROUB Mohand (université 8 mai 1945 guelma, 2015-10-28)
    La brachylogie a toujours fait partie de la nature du langage humain. Sa traduction, elle, ou la traduction de l’implicite, n’a jamais été une mince affaire. Le traducteur, par delà ses compétences, ses domaines de spécialité, ...
  • MULUNDA, BONDO (université 8 mai 1945 guelma, 2015-10-28)
    Le kílúba est une des langues bantu parlé en République Démocratique du Congo, sur plus de trois quarts de l’ancienne province du Katanga, Il sert de véhicule à l’une des grandes cultures d’Afrique centrale, issue de l’un ...
  • LARABA, Bouchra (université 8 mai 1945 guelma, 2015-10-28)
    Bien que la notion de brachylogie demeure un peu floue et un champ pas très exploré, elle ne cesse d’envahir tous les domaines de l’activité humaine. Et c’est de cela que découle la nécessité de s’y aventurer et de s’investir ...
  • Bouazid, Tayeb (université 8 mai 1945 guelma, 2015-11-03)
    With the increasing rate of literacy, online teaching and learning have seen a new adopted trend and soon online assessment to these new modes of instruction has become more prevalent Hence, educationalists have thought ...
  • MEHDI, Tayeb1; MEHARET, Sarra (université 8 mai 1945 guelma, 2015-11-03)
    Technology can have a reciprocal relationship with teaching. The emergence of new technologies pushes teachers to understand and accommodate these technologies for classroom use; at the same time, the on-the-ground ...
  • Pr.TOULGUI, Ladi (université 8 mai 1945 guelma, 2015-11-03)
    The prevalence rates of digital technology usage among youth continues to climb so dramatically that today we speak about a “digital revolution” that has enabled us to coin terms like “” digital native, “digital immigrant”and ...
  • Pr. ELAGGOUNE, Abdelhak (université 8 mai 1945 guelma, 2015-11-03)
    There is no doubt that nowadays digital technologies provide an avenue and a space where humans, including students across the world, could communicate, send and receive messages, share information, acquire new knowledge, ...
  • Pr.Abid, S; Hamadi Nabil Aziz (université 8 mai 1945 guelma, 2015-11-03)
    Technology ushers in fundamental structural changes that can be integral to achieving significant improvements in productivity. Used to support both teaching and learning, technology infuses classrooms with digital learning ...
  • Bengrait, Nawel (université 8 mai 1945 guelma, 2015-11-03)
    Virtual platforms make it possible for Algerian learners to interact with Native speakers of English using social media or language learning sites...
  • Boudjelal, Mustapha (université 8 mai 1945 guelma, 2015-11-03)
    In the bygone time, the ecology of learning had been parsimoniously affiliated with language classrooms, in most cases the teacher-students’ scenarios. Later in time, howbeit, the industrious interest in pedagogy had ...
  • Missoum, Maamar (université 8 mai 1945 guelma, 2015-11-03)
    Recent reforms in Algerian higher education couple with challenges related to difficult working conditions especially a very high student-teacher ratio to require that learners assume higher responsibility for their own ...
  • Idri, Nadia; Kadri, Nawel (université 8 mai 1945 guelma, 2015-11-03)
    Internet a pervasive component of student’s life. Different Purposes (social, educational, entertaining, etc) Use of websites and social media Facebook one of the most popular and widely used social networks by students. This ...
  • Hamadouche, Mokhtar (université 8 mai 1945 guelma, 2015-11-03)
    Differences across language learners’ native and target speech communities, their expectations and cultural backgrounds are expected to cause them difficulties in communication. They may, for instance, produce grammatically ...
  • Belfarhi, Khadija (université 8 mai 1945 guelma, 2015-11-03)
    The emergence of the internet in the second half of the 20th century was much more the concern of the scientific community. Later, more than thousand million of people use the internet for diverse tasks such as shopping, ...
  • MEHIRI, Ramdane; HOADJLI, Ahmed Chaouki (université 8 mai 1945 guelma, 2015-11-03)
    Digital technologies affect many aspects of our daily life. The rapid and incredible growth of the use of these new technologies during the last two decades has caused an impact on our interest in promoting new policies ...
  • Ghouar, Nessrine (université 8 mai 1945 guelma, 2015-11-03)
    Communicating through the virtual world becomes the print mark of the era of digital technologies. The internet is at the fingertips of any user: child, pupil, student, man, woman,…etc. The virtual world has changed how ...

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