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Showing results 6559 to 6578 of 15661 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Tableau de bord éducatif pour un suivi personnalisé des apprenants dans les environnements d’apprentissage en ligneGuendouz, Iskandar
2009Tableau magique:une interface gestuelle en réalité augmentée et vision par ordinateurHallaci, samir
2023-06Taliban Taking Over, August 2021:DAHEL Mohamed Tayeb, SAIDIA Noursin
2019tat سمات شخصية المراهقة المسعفة من خلال تطبيق إختبار تفهم الموضوعإكرام دوبالي, قوامي نور الإسراء
2023-06Taux de lipolyse et qualité du lait cru de vache commercialisé localementBoulbazine Nour El houda, Djenna Manel
2024-06Taxis d’Aïmen Laïhem, un regard sur la société AlgéroiseGUERZIZ, Aymen
2015-06Taxonomie des bactériesRehail Amina, Nassar Imene
2022Teachers and Students’ Awareness about the Use of Online Databases for Conducting and Publishing Academic ResearchNardjes MEFTAH, Racha ZERGUINE
2024-06Teachers' and Students' Attitudes towards Personalized Learning in the Era of Artificial IntelligenceAchouak LABADLIA, Safa NEDJOUAI
2021-09Teachers' and Students' Perceptions Toward the Use of Blended Teaching and LearningRoumayssa AZZOUZ, Madiha MADI
2016-09Teachers’ and Learners’ Attitudes towards the Use of ICTs ( Internet, Word Processor and Email ) in Developing Academic Writing Compositions:BAHDAOUI Ismahen, BOUMAZA Besma
2020-07Teachers’ and Students’ Attitudes towards In-class Debate as a Learning Strategy for the Amelioration of Students’ Oral Proficiency.HAMDI ROUMAISSA, BISKRI BOCHRA
2018-06Teachers’ and Students’ Attitudes towards the Impact of Personalized Instruction on Students’ Classroom ParticipationOUMEDDOUR, Soror
2018-06Teachers’ and Students’ Attitudes towards the Role of Using Technology beyond the Classroom in Enhancing the Speaking Skill.HEZILI, Yassmine
2023-06Teachers’ and Students’ Attitudes towards the use of language games in enhancing EFL students vocabulary knowledgeBELAGOUN Houda, MALKI Chaima
2022Teachers’ and Students’ Attitudes Towards the Use of Moodle Online Classes :Bouchahdane Sara, Fedaoui Chiraz
2019-07Teachers’ and Students’ Attitudes towards the Use of YouTube Videos in Developing EFL Learners’ Speaking SkillBENGHEDDAB, Nadjoua
2023-06Teaching Aspects of British Culture Using MemesRayane BOUMAKH, Sarra HADJAILIA
2022teatcher's and student's attitudes towardes the role of positive psychologie in the english as a foreign language classroomBOULAHIA, Mohamed Nedjmeddine