Thèses en ligne de l'université 8 Mai 1945 Guelma

The Impact of Culture-based Content on EFL Learners’ Communicative Competence

Afficher la notice abrégée GRAINI, Dounya 2019-02-20T10:19:18Z 2019-02-20T10:19:18Z 2017-06
dc.description.abstract The present study attempts to inquire into the impact of culture-based content on EFL learners’ communicative competence. This investigation aims at exploring learners’ and teachers’ perceptions, views, and attitudes vis-à-vis the integration of a culture-based content into EFL classrooms. It thereby hypothesizes that “If a culture-based content is adequately implemented into EFL classrooms, it would have an impact on learners' communicative competence”. To achieve the aforementioned aim, the present research adopts the descriptive method. The latter is manifested through the instrumentality of a questionnaire and an interview which, in turn, would allow for the obtainment of quantitative and qualitative data. For which purpose, 108 Third Year LMD students and fourteen (14) English teachers from the Department of English, 8 Mai 1945 University-Guelma, are randomly selected as the sample. The derived results unveil a positive relationship between the two main variables which confirms the hypothesis set at the beginning of the research. Therefore, the revision of the status of culture in EFL classrooms becomes one of the primary goals that policymakers should take into serious account. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.subject Culture-based Content, Communicative Competence, EFL Learners en_US
dc.title The Impact of Culture-based Content on EFL Learners’ Communicative Competence en_US
dc.title.alternative Case Study: Third Year LMD Students at the Department of English, 8 Mai 1945 University-Guelma. en_US
dc.type Working Paper en_US

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