This dissertation is intended to provide a clear picture on the rise and fall of American hegemony. The study also discusses how the U.S. remained powerful in the decades, since World War Two to be able to win the Cold War. This period became known as the American Century as the US imposed itself in the world stage as a sole superpower. With immense political, economic, and military abilities it managed to face and defeat great all contending powers mainly the Soviet Union. The unique might achieved at all levels and the successful governance enjoyed by Americans made scholars to speculate that human kind had reached the best possible political system and the greatest empire status in the American Experience. America reached as Fukuyama put it “the end of history”. This Unipolar period under American hegemony was not to last long before it was contended by a revitalized Russia and a steadily growing China in addition to the BRICS nations thus driving the world towards a newer multipolar order. The study concludes that American narrow mindedness and arrogance influenced significantly in accelerating the retreat of the U.S. power in world affairs. It also upholds that the U.S. gave up the global reach policy and is struggling to preserve a leading role in the newly imposed world system. The acceptance of the status quo can be perceived in creating a large space for powers like Russia to invade neighboring Ukraine and interfere in civil wars or China extend its military reachand sweep the global markets with its products.