The present dissertation tries to shed light on the impact of anxiety on EFL students’ test
performance. This study seeks mainly to examine students’ knowledge and attitudes towards
anxiety and during exams. Also, it aims at investigating the extent to which both students and
teachers can minimize the problem. Hence, we hypothesize that if the students are able to
overcome their anxiety, their test performance will be upgraded. To verify the research
hypothesis we have followed a quantitative descriptive method, the questionnaire as a datagathering tool was delivered per e-mail due to the coronavirus pandemic for Second Year
Master students of the English language at 08 Mai 1945, University of Guelma. The analysis
of the findings provided a bunch of proof that affirms that anxiety as a serious problem has a
great effect on students' test performance that prevents them from getting good marks and
achieving high degrees in tests. The results revealed that some students agreed about their
qualifications in controlling the fear and the stress throughout the testing process. Consequently,
boost their performance over tests in particular and their educational level in general. To
conclude this study, some recommendations are proposed for both students and teachers to
promote their consciousness regarding the seriousness of this issue through the use of various
strategies as well as applying particular principles among them practicality which helps in
overcoming anxiety.