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dc.contributor.authorFERHAH, Sahar-
dc.description.abstractNote taking is considered as an essential technique that helps EFL learners to improve their academic achievement. The present study aims to examine how note-taking (note cards) can facilitate the writing of an academic research. To reach the research goals, the study was conducted through a quantitative descriptive method. In which two questionnaires one for teachers and one for learners were administered to find out their views and attitudes toward the use of Note Cards on research writing. The research was conducted with a sample of 100 students and 15 teachers from a population of 150 students and 52 teachers from the English Department in Guelma University; they were chosen randomly. The findings of this study state that students’ and teachers’ are awa re of the importance of Note Cards in facilitating writing a research. The results revealed also that students’ face a lot of difficulties while writing a research including difficulty of grammar rules, spelling, methodological problems (citation, plagiarism…),in addition to problems of planning and organizing their dissertations. From these findings, it has been concluded that there is a positive relationship between the Note Cards as a note taking technique and research writing. Hence, the research recommends that teachers should motivate their students to use Note Cards to help them while writing a researchen_US
dc.titleThe Role of Using Note-Cards Technique in Facilitating writing Academic Researchen_US
dc.title.alternativeThe Case of First Year Master Students at the Department of Letters and English language, University of 8 Mai 1945 / Guelmaen_US
dc.typeWorking Paperen_US
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