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dc.contributor.authorHADJOUDJI, Safa-
dc.description.abstractThe present work attempts to investigate the impact of audiovisual products and tools on coming into a specific variety of English when learning the language as foreign. It explores this aim through the effectiveness of multimedia tools (computer, mobile, television) and audiovisual products (TV shows, series, and movies) on learning the vocabulary. Thus, we hypothesize that there could be a correlation between accessing audiovisual products and the acquisition of a language variety. To test the hypothesis, a qualitative comparative study is conducted on first year master students in the department of English at University 08 mai 1945, Guelma. Three data gathering tools are used. On one hand, students’ test which is conducted to verify which variety of English is most opted for by the learners. On the other hand, a textbook analysis is carried out to check the English varieties use, which aims at tracing the possible source of the influence on learners’ use of language varieties. Also, a questionnaire, as a follow-up tool, is needed for more clarifications. The findings reveal that audiovisual products have a great benefit on EFL learners’ vocabulary development, consequently on the development of other aspects of the language, and on the choice of the English variety. The conclusion is based on the fact that the majority of students tend to use American English lexical items more than the British ones during the test, and tend to mostly access American audiovisual products as it is showed in the questionnaire. Therefore, audiovisual instructional materials are more influential than the traditional ones. Accordingly, it is recommended from EFL teachers to raise students’ awareness about the effectiveness of using multimedia tool and audiovisual products to choose the variety, to integrate the use of audiovisual materials inside the classroom and to encourage their students towards self-learning outside the classroom using these materials, not only for vocabulary but for all other aspects of the language.en_US
dc.subjectmultimedia tools, audiovisual products, EFL learners, EFL teachers, vocabulary acquisition, English variety.en_US
dc.titleAmerican English Vs. British English: The Role of Audiovisual Media in Acquiring the Vocabulary of the Language Varietiesen_US
dc.title.alternativeCase Study of First Year Master Students, at the Department of Letters and English Language, University of 8 mai 1945 –Guelma.en_US
dc.typeWorking Paperen_US
Appears in Collections:Master

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