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Title: The Influence of Implementing Workshop Strategy on Improving Student’s Classroom Participation
Keywords: Classroom participation, Workshop strategy
Issue Date: Aug-2020
Abstract: The objective of the present study is to investigate the impact of implementing workshop strategy on students’ classroom participation. It also attempts to examine the relationship between using workshop strategy and evolvement of classroom participation. Accordingly, teachers complain about students’ low classroom participation; thus they are strongly recommended to use workshop strategy to promote classroom participation. Therefore, this study has hypothesized that if teachers apply workshop strategy, classroom participation would raise. Furthermore, to check the credibility of this hypothesis a quantitative descriptive method is conducted. Additionally, a questionnaire has been administered to second year students at the department of letters and the English language at the University of 08 Mai 1945 Guelma; in order to figure out students’ attitudes towards the influence of workshop strategy on classroom participation. Finally, general recommendations have been suggested for both teachers and students to encourage the use of workshop strategy as new teaching strategies to develop classroom participation.
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