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Title: The Effective Management of Overcrowded Classroom through Teacher-Learner Collaboration: The Case of Second Year Master Students, Department of Letters and English Language, University of 8 Mai 1945/Guelma
Keywords: Management/Collaboration
Issue Date: Jul-2020
Abstract: The present study investigates effective management of overcrowded classroom through teacher and studentscollaboration. This study aims specifying the reasons of the research problems which are mainly related to teachers' difficulties in managing overcrowded classrooms, and the way teachers have to use the methodof teacher-learner collaboration for effective management of overcrowded classrooms.On this basis, we hypothesized that if teachers and student collaborate with each other, overcrowded classrooms management would be effective.To achieve the before mentioned aim, the present research adopted the quantitative descriptive method.In an attempt to verify the former hypothesis, the questionnaire is administered to (100) second year Master students at the Department of English, 8 Mai University-Guelma. This tool would provide us with different views and experiences in relation to the topic. The derived results unveil a positive relationship between the two main variables which confirms the hypothesis set at the beginning of the research. Consequently, the intended goal of the research would be achieved.The results of this study showed the main problems being faced in overcrowded classes, including noise making, lack of individual attention and classroom arrangement are issues that influence interaction in the class. The findings show that the hypothesis was confirmed in which that teacher-students collaboration lead to an effective management of the overcrowded classroom. Accordingly, teacher-students collaboration methods should be applied while teaching those overcrowded classes in order to achieve effective managements, and to realize a high quality of education. Additionally, some recommendationswere also provided in this research.
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