Thèses en ligne de l'université 8 Mai 1945 Guelma

Design and implementation of a Real-Time Object Detection and Understanding System using Deep Neural Network to assist the visually impaired persons, running on Raspberry Pi

Afficher la notice abrégée Benkirat, Ines 2023-11-21T10:31:03Z 2023-11-21T10:31:03Z 2023
dc.description.abstract Today, almost all intelligent systems use machine learning methods, especially deep learning algorithms, particularly in the fields of computer vision. Among these fields, object detection and recognition are prominent. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have achieved great success in object detection algorithms, providing speed and accuracy, especially in real-time object detection. The goal of this work is to design and apply an object detection algorithm using a deep learning model trained on well selected subclasses from benchmark databases, and deploy it on a Raspberry Pi to assist visually impaired individuals by detecting objects in the inner environment through sound interaction. To achieve this, we select one of the most efficient detection models based on the trade-off between response time and accuracy. This model is YOLOv8. We will attempt to retrain the chosen model on subsets of databases such as MS-COCO, indoor dataset. This choice of the model and the sub-classes, combined with the hyper-parameters, and the strategy of training new weights consumes little computing time and conducts us to surpass a huge problem of uploading our best weights on RPi4 module, and the result is a captured flow of images to be used as an input in the detection/recognition process, in order to describe the selected objects present in the indoor environment. This approach is implemented and tested on a number of real life challenging conditions, and compared over several training options and context in terms of classification accuracy quality and detection efficiency and response time in real-world situations. en_US
dc.language.iso English en_US
dc.publisher university of guelma en_US
dc.subject Deep learning, object detection, real time systems, YOLOv8, raspberry pi4. en_US
dc.title Design and implementation of a Real-Time Object Detection and Understanding System using Deep Neural Network to assist the visually impaired persons, running on Raspberry Pi en_US
dc.type Working Paper en_US

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