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Title: Une plateforme d'apprentissage hybride pour les stagiaires de la formation professionnelle
Keywords: Online learning, e-learning, online learning platforms, INSFP, vocational training, distance learning.
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: University of Guelma
Abstract: With the rapid evolution of digital technologies and the growing demand for flexible learning methods, online learning platforms (e-learning) have become essential tools in modern education. However, the specific needs of vocational training trainees are often overlooked in the development of these platforms. These students, who follow technical and practical courses, require educational solutions tailored to both their practical and theoretical coursework, as well as their internships in companies. This master's project aims to design, develop, and evaluate an online learning platform dedicated to the students and trainees of the National Institute of Specialized Vocational Training (INSFP) Kadour Djebabla in Guelma.
Appears in Collections:Master

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