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Title: Amélioration de l'autorégulation dans un environnement d'apprentissage par problème
Authors: Saidia, Mouhamed
Keywords: Self-regulation, Learning style, e-learning, problem-based learning.
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: University of Guelma
Abstract: The technological advance that the world is experiencing today makes it possible to optimize all types of processes, among which is the self-regulation of online learning. Our project is to improve a self- regulation system in an online problem-based learning environment named "AUTORAPP". AUTORAPP provides a platform that allows learners to set goals, plan, control and regulate the resources (internal and external) necessary to achieve their goals, and readjust these goals based on feedback provided or judgments made. This platform helps learners manage their abilities, thoughts, emotions or behaviors to respond to problems encountered or achieve certain objectives without teacher intervention. For the design of the project, we opted for the unified process based on the language UML modeling, and for its realization we used a set of tools from development such as : PHP, XAMPP, JAVA SCRIPT, MY SQL… etc.
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