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Title: Une approche pour la Coopération et l’intégration des Processus métiers
Authors: Benhamouda, Khawla
Keywords: la Coopération et l’intégration , Processus métiers
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: university of guelma
Abstract: The rapid development of Business Process Management (BPM) technology has revolutionized information systems by enabling the efficient management of business processes. However, despite these advancements, some problems persist in terms of cooperation and integration within BPM environments. These problems are caused by the diversity of business logics specific to each organization, which hinders inter- organizational exchange and coordination mechanisms. To overcome these challenges, businesses require an effective integration and co- operation solution to streamline processes across different departments such as mar- keting, sales, customer service, and the supply chain. It is also crucial to ensure data transformation while preserving its integrity and managing storage. In this context, mastering the flows between processes and ensuring consistency in exchanges bet- ween interfaces are important considerations to be faced. The gools of this end-of-studies project is to propose an approach for integrating and cooperating business processes. To achieve this goal, we will utilize formal models such as Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA) to represent business processes, and we will employ patterns to identify commonalities between these processes and facilitate their integration and cooperation
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