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Title: Contribution à la gestion des eaux pluviales enmilieuurbanisé:casdelavilledeGuelma
Authors: ABDELKEBIR, Brahim
Keywords: Guelma, Flood,GIS,PCSWMM,LID
Issue Date: 29-May-2022
Abstract: The region of Guelma located in the North-East of Algeria is characterized by a sub-humid climate. Theperiodic floods that have occurred in recent years are favored by the rate of urbanization.The objective ofthis study is to find a method making it possible to reduce the volume of surface runoff in the study basin, byusing efficient modern techniques without resorting to conventional techniques of increasing the dimensionsof the sewerage network, which would be expensive. The rainfall-runoff modeling by the PC-SWMM modelis applied to the observed data, during the period from November 13, 2008 to December 3, 2008. Afterhaving completely validated the PC-SWMM model on the Guelmabasin, itisused for flood protection,using what is called real-time modeling which is based on the principle ofwater replenishment. A lowimpact development strategy (LID) was used to reduce the size of the floods and reduce the peak flow. Theimplementation of several LID practices (bioretentions, infiltration trenches, permeable pavements, raingardens and rain barrels) could potentially reduce the volume of runoff from 4.04 to 76.01% and the peakflow by 2 .02 at 51.74% for a 10-year event. Through the results obtained, the LID can be a clearly effectiveapproach to solve the problem of flooding in urban watersheds. The PCSWMM model can simulate theimpacts of LID practices. The PCSWMM model has been shown to be able to help designers, implementersandpolicymakersassesstheeffectsofLID practicesonrunoffreduction.
Appears in Collections:Thèses de Doctorat

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